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No new posts   換電腦之後,舊程式使用上問題 scott123 2014/10/6 11:03 3 3306 2014/10/8 10:52
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No new posts   PIC18F47J53 I/O設定 mushroom 2014/10/8 10:04 1 3318 2014/10/8 10:31
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No New posts [ Popular ]   PIC18F4520使用Timer0中斷問題   [1][2] Qoo77777 2014/10/5 0:09 15 8000 2014/10/8 10:23
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No new posts   18F4520 石英盪器32MHz, 40MHz 震盪頻率衰減問題 f440512 2014/10/7 9:48 1 3315 2014/10/7 10:19
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No new posts   APP1618-SD的一些問題 mushroom 2014/10/6 11:02 1 3171 2014/10/6 15:53
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No new posts   PIC18F26K20 組語寫TFT的資料方式 DAN 2014/10/1 17:07 2 3387 2014/10/3 12:05
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No new posts   8pin app001 ver.2 應該怎麼燒錄? Topic has Attachments fissyerc 2014/10/1 16:27 1 2930 2014/10/3 11:59
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No new posts   12F675的ADC chrC475 2014/10/1 20:58 1 3213 2014/10/3 11:36
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No new posts   PIC18F4520 SRAM空間大小問題 gsy20410b 2014/10/1 15:07 3 3247 2014/10/3 11:17
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No new posts   VDD電壓升太慢造成MCU不動做問題? Topic has Attachments yiming 2014/9/19 16:00 5 4741 2014/10/3 10:36
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No New posts [ Popular ]   18F24K22 I2C 波形失真 Topic has Attachments   [1][2] jackie120 2014/9/23 21:03 14 10176 2014/10/3 10:26
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No new posts   PIC18F4520 TIMER1中斷不會回到主程式 sss22213 2014/10/1 0:41 4 3667 2014/10/2 0:53
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No new posts   PIC18F26K20 無法查表 DAN 2014/10/1 10:38 4 3462 2014/10/1 17:32
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No new posts   PIC18LF4520 程式拆解問題 gsy20410b 2014/9/17 9:51 7 4503 2014/10/1 14:56
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No new posts   請問pic16F1947的AVDD及AVSS及FVR的問題? Topic has Attachments jlian 2014/9/26 11:17 5 4001 2014/9/26 23:50
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No new posts   新手發問:PIC18F14K50 mushroom 2014/9/25 16:55 1 3233 2014/9/26 10:10
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No new posts   18F4520 PWM(線性)不準確的問題? f440512 2014/9/24 14:35 2 4449 2014/9/25 14:06
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No new posts   請問有16F或18F的LCD>=96及PIN>=64及ROM>=16KW的MCU嗎? jlian 2014/9/16 14:42 4 4007 2014/9/24 13:57
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