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No new posts   使用pic18f4520做AD轉換 之後用RS232傳到labVIEW 值會一直變動 Topic has Attachments chouchang 2014/1/14 14:03 7 5658 2014/1/16 15:57
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No new posts   PIC18F25K80 Sleep 跟 Watchdog 的問題!!! (無法Weak up) goodog008 2014/1/10 18:09 6 4879 2014/1/13 14:48
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No new posts   MCU 16F1946 耐溫? ecsv8agb 2014/1/10 7:32 2 3826 2014/1/10 18:52
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No new posts   這個PIC16的官方範例中斷函式,如何得知由哪個中斷源觸發? Topic has Attachments mosdeo 2014/1/1 3:37 7 7952 2014/1/10 11:57
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No new posts   PIC12LF1840 UART的Rx動作不太可靠,程式有瑕疵嗎? mosdeo 2014/1/9 21:27 1 3987 2014/1/10 10:43
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No new posts   曾百由老師書中的標頭檔都找不到 mosdeo 2014/1/9 12:12 8 6043 2014/1/10 10:07
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No new posts   mTouch請教. cct1210 2014/1/3 21:32 2 3524 2014/1/7 10:05
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No new posts   18f4520 多組CLK輸出控制 Topic has Attachments alenpower 2014/1/5 18:01 1 3607 2014/1/7 9:49
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No new posts   PIC18F4550 flash 的使用 jie_horng 2014/1/3 11:13 4 4095 2014/1/6 13:50
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No new posts   LED 三位數頻率計 sutaichang 2014/1/5 22:54 1 4635 2014/1/6 12:55
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No new posts   PIC12系列入門教材何處尋? mosdeo 2014/1/3 11:21 3 4114 2014/1/3 16:17
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No new posts   關於18F97J60 HTTP的問題 Topic has Attachments kago 2014/1/3 9:24 1 3510 2014/1/3 10:30
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No new posts   TMR0 interrupt, PIC16F690 sid58ney 2013/12/31 14:36 3 4208 2014/1/3 7:37
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No new posts   這是所謂的OTP嗎? mosdeo 2013/12/30 14:09 1 3297 2013/12/30 14:36
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No new posts   請教 pic16f1939 WDT&SLEPP&通訊 Topic has Attachments cards 2013/12/27 11:08 6 4606 2013/12/30 12:51
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No New posts [ Popular ]   是否有digital potentiometer 耐流可以到40mA,或是MCP41XXX搭配其他應用電路可以增加耐流呢? Topic has Attachments   [1][2] leader2x9 2013/12/25 16:24 10 7886 2013/12/30 9:21
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No new posts   UART 收到部分錯誤字串 mosdeo 2013/12/29 18:13 1 3587 2013/12/30 9:18
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No new posts   請問關於PIC- RESET電路 Topic has Attachments buymoney 2013/12/27 9:45 5 5031 2013/12/27 15:39
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No new posts   請問可以用一顆8PIN的MCU? Topic has Attachments jaker 2013/12/26 12:37 5 4026 2013/12/26 14:32
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