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No new posts   xc8編譯後執行發生異常 嗚啦啦啦 2017/6/6 15:09 4 5373 2017/6/15 17:16
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No new posts   使用PIC16F1824的I2C與OZ89202電池保護IC通訊 firststop0 2017/5/28 18:06 3 5181 2017/6/15 14:59
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No new posts   XC8 中文教材,搶鮮版! Ryang 2014/2/18 17:15 4 7342 2017/6/13 14:00
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No new posts   PIC12F1840 I2C 問題 Topic has Attachments gogolc 2017/5/18 11:49 7 7479 2017/6/10 9:51
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No new posts   AD判斷問題 Topic has Attachments onekill 2017/6/1 14:08 7 6548 2017/6/9 11:33
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No new posts   PIC18F45K50的USB模組需要水晶嗎? biko 2017/5/25 12:00 2 4825 2017/6/6 16:21
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No new posts   PIC16F1615 HEF問題 Topic has Attachments x19961204 2017/6/3 17:46 6 7471 2017/6/6 13:56
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No new posts   關於IC名稱代表的意義 Topic has Attachments 匿名小鬼 2017/6/5 10:09 1 4463 2017/6/5 13:20
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No new posts   PIC18F66K40 ROM table value 無法載入 RAM buffer allen0329 2017/5/31 17:18 0 3939 2017/5/31 17:18
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No new posts   無法使LED亮 Topic has Attachments firststop0 2017/5/26 15:14 5 5806 2017/5/31 13:36
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No new posts   對I2C.h的疑問 firststop0 2017/5/28 15:05 1 4143 2017/5/31 13:20
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No new posts   PIC16F1619 MCLR無法做為輸入接腳 Topic has Attachments x19961204 2017/5/30 12:54 2 4804 2017/5/31 12:11
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No new posts   PIC18F66K40 XC8 執行sprint無法做轉換 Topic has Attachments allen0329 2017/5/26 15:28 0 3979 2017/5/26 15:28
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No new posts   PIC12F1840 I2C 通訊問題 gogolc 2017/5/20 20:45 4 6173 2017/5/24 18:28
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No New posts [ Popular ]   想請教使用交換式電源的話 如何克服zcd偵測問題 (PIC16F1613) Topic has Attachments   [1][2] gl833 2017/5/19 11:01 11 10341 2017/5/24 11:48
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No New posts [ Popular ]   PIC12F1840 無法燒錄 Topic has Attachments   [1][2] gogolc 2017/5/12 11:36 10 9295 2017/5/18 13:01
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No new posts   使用PIC16F1827的 I2C與外部通訊,設定baud rate 400KHz問題 j0e168 2017/5/2 16:13 4 5518 2017/5/15 16:38
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No new posts   PIC16F log log10 Topic has Attachments foxhuang 2017/5/12 16:11 1 3917 2017/5/15 12:55
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No new posts   usart.h裡面的註解怪怪的+無法辨識unsigned char Topic has Attachments firststop0 2017/5/11 9:52 2 4150 2017/5/12 12:01
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