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No new posts   PIC18F4550編譯成功後卻無動作 Topic has Attachments jasonsss77 2016/3/21 3:07 5 4319 2016/3/21 23:42
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No new posts   請問各先進 pickit3燒錄問題 skb 2016/3/19 11:51 1 3278 2016/3/19 17:39
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No New posts [ Popular ]   12F675 EEPROM一讀取就損毀 Topic has Attachments   [1][2] chrC475 2016/3/12 18:18 13 10594 2016/3/18 15:54
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No New posts [ Popular ]   請教一下,RS485致能腳的控制?? Topic has Attachments   [1][2] chihung510 2016/3/17 8:25 17 10297 2016/3/18 15:54
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No new posts   非USB的MCU如何經USB跟電腦溝通 chrC475 2016/2/27 15:23 9 8267 2016/3/18 9:57
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No new posts   使用xc8編譯 PIC18F66K80 CAN BUS 問題 slai 2016/3/16 15:41 1 3503 2016/3/16 16:49
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No New posts [ Popular ]   PIC18F45K22 低、高優先中斷依序觸發造成的問題 Topic has Attachments   [1][2] xwinx27 2016/3/8 1:52 13 10156 2016/3/16 0:53
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No new posts   I/O模擬I2C ben 2016/3/12 23:41 4 5061 2016/3/14 21:26
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No new posts   I2C程式 被中斷 只能電源關閉重開機 hann_mh 2016/3/11 17:59 4 5091 2016/3/14 11:15
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No new posts   我的compiler C18不支援16F722 Topic has Attachments a7996917 2015/12/4 14:06 8 7171 2016/3/11 13:54
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No new posts   PIC18F97J60,bootloader 問題! Topic has Attachments TAA 2016/3/3 15:54 8 7360 2016/3/11 10:35
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No new posts   關於16F677內置的eeprom可支援外部硬體燒入數據嗎? scaner005 2016/3/10 16:55 1 3276 2016/3/11 9:49
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No new posts   關於i2c.h問題 ben 2016/3/9 23:49 2 3514 2016/3/10 13:08
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No New posts [ Popular ]   請問組語的lable如何讓C能指到? Topic has Attachments   [1][2] jlian 2016/3/2 17:11 16 9185 2016/3/9 11:45
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No New posts [ Popular ]   16f1825按鍵亮燈異常   [1][2] picson 2016/2/25 23:56 11 7997 2016/3/9 9:35
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No New posts [ Popular ]   PIC18F45K22 震盪頻率問題 Topic has Attachments   [1][2] TDNTD 2016/1/29 17:40 13 9369 2016/3/8 14:34
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No new posts   XC8 v1.33 plib 問題 52031 2016/3/8 11:20 1 3457 2016/3/8 12:03
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No new posts   i2c address問題! ben 2016/3/6 0:01 6 7167 2016/3/8 8:46
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No new posts   請推薦有PMBus界面(一定要有)、UART(1 Channel)、IC(1 Channel)、ADC(3 Channels)的MCU hjchen 2016/3/7 17:06 0 3485 2016/3/7 17:06
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No new posts   16MHz的PIC16F1516,無法用I2C推動MCP4561 hjchen 2016/3/6 0:49 0 3444 2016/3/6 0:49
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