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No new posts   請問一下有關LCD初始化設定... DennisTu 2007/5/28 14:29 2 7209 2007/5/28 14:29
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No New posts [ Popular ]   如果想用Microchip MCU/dsPIC寫入檔案資料(文字檔)在SD or MMC Card ,再用電腦上的讀卡機讀出   [1][2][3] jahbme 2007/5/1 13:58 23 49854 2007/5/1 13:58
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No new posts   請問什麼是PGC/PGD & EMUC1/EMUD1 ?? stockton19 2007/5/1 13:48 1 8816 2007/5/1 13:48
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