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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)


#define __dsPIC30F2010__

#include <uart.h>
#include <adc12.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <p30F2010.h>
#include <uart.h>
#include <stdio.h>
//#include "APP009V2_LCD.h"

#define pi 3.1415926
#define FCY 7372800 * 2

#define MAX_HALF_DUTY 730 // Max Duty is 180 , but multiplex with 100

#define Volt0 736

void Initial_Timer1( void ) ;
void Initial_CAN( void ) ;
void DelayNmSec(unsigned int ) ;
void InitADC10(void);
void MotPWM_Initial(void);

// Configuration bits

_FOSC(CSW_FSCM_OFF & XT_PLL8); //XT with 8xPLL oscillator, Failsafe clock off
_FWDT(WDT_OFF); //Watchdog timer disabled
_FBORPOR(PBOR_OFF & MCLR_EN); //Brown-out reset disabled, MCLR reset enabled
_FGS(CODE_PROT_OFF); //Code protect disabled

typedef struct tagLEDBITS {

unsigned :8;
unsigned LED_Val:8;
extern volatile PORTDBITSS LED_Ctrl __attribute__((__near__));

unsigned char TxData[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ;

unsigned int ValuePDC ;

int SinTable[92] ;
int LoopVar1 ;
int U_Degree ;
int V_Degree ;
int W_Degree ;
int T1IF_Flag ;
int T1IF_Counter ;

unsigned int Temp_Uint ;

void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _T1Interrupt(void)

U_Degree += 3;
if ( U_Degree > 360 ) U_Degree = 0 ;


if ( U_Degree <= 90 )
ValuePDC = ( SinTable[U_Degree]) + Volt0 ;

else if ( U_Degree > 90 && U_Degree <= 180 )
ValuePDC = ( SinTable[180 - U_Degree] )+ Volt0 ;

else if ( U_Degree > 180 && U_Degree <= 270 )
ValuePDC = Volt0 - ( SinTable[U_Degree - 180] ) ;

else if ( U_Degree > 270 && U_Degree <= 360 )
ValuePDC = Volt0 - ( SinTable[360-U_Degree] ) ;

PDC1 = ValuePDC ;

V_Degree = U_Degree + 180 ;
if ( V_Degree > 360 ) V_Degree = V_Degree - 360 ;

if ( V_Degree <= 90 )
ValuePDC = ( SinTable[V_Degree] )+ Volt0 ;

else if ( V_Degree > 90 && V_Degree <= 180 )
ValuePDC = ( SinTable[180 - V_Degree ] )+ Volt0 ;

else if ( V_Degree > 180 && V_Degree <= 270 )
ValuePDC = Volt0 - ( SinTable[V_Degree - 180]) ;

else if ( V_Degree > 270 && V_Degree <= 360 )
ValuePDC = Volt0 - ( SinTable[360-V_Degree] ) ;

PDC2 = ValuePDC ;

//W_Degree = U_Degree + 240 ;
//if ( W_Degree > 360 ) W_Degree = W_Degree - 360 ;

//if ( W_Degree <= 90 )
//ValuePDC = ( SinTable[W_Degree] )+ Volt0 ;

//else if ( W_Degree > 90 && W_Degree <= 180 )
//ValuePDC = ( SinTable[180 - W_Degree ])+ Volt0 ;

//else if ( W_Degree > 180 && W_Degree <= 270 )
//ValuePDC = Volt0 - ( SinTable[W_Degree - 180]) ;

//else if ( W_Degree > 270 && W_Degree <= 360 )
//ValuePDC = Volt0 - ( SinTable[360-W_Degree]) ;

//PDC3 = ValuePDC ;


void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _PWMInterrupt(void)

IFS2bits.PWMIF = 0 ;

int main( void )


for ( LoopVar1 = 0 ; LoopVar1 < 91 ; LoopVar1 += 1)
SinTable[LoopVar1] = sin( (3.1415926 * LoopVar1) / (double)180 ) * MAX_HALF_DUTY ;

Initial_Timer1( ) ;
MotPWM_Initial( ) ;

TRISD &= 0x00ff ;
U_Degree = 0 ;

T1IF_Flag = 0 ;
T1IF_Counter = 0 ;

//putrsLCD("dsPIC30F2010 Dem") ;
//setcurLCD(0,1) ;
//putrsLCD("PWM Running ") ;

while (1)

void DelayNmSec(unsigned int N)
unsigned int j;
for(j=0;j < 1000;j++);

void Initial_Timer1( void )
ConfigIntTimer1( T1_INT_PRIOR_7 & T1_INT_ON ) ;
OpenTimer1( T1_ON & T1_IDLE_STOP & T1_GATE_OFF & T1_PS_1_1 & T1_SYNC_EXT_OFF & T1_SOURCE_INT ,
2048 ) ;

void MotPWM_Initial(void)
IEC2bits.PWMIE = 0 ; // Disable PWM Interrupt !!
IEC2bits.FLTAIE = 0 ;

OVDCON = 0xff00 ; // Inactive all PWM OUTPUT !!

TRISE = 0xffc0 ;
PTCON = 0xa000 ; // Configure as 0b1010 0000 0000 0000
// PWM Time Base OFF , PWM Time Base OP in free running Mode
PWMCON1 = 0x0077 ; // Configure as 0b0000000000010001
// PWM I/O in complementary Mode and only PWM1L/H as PWM output
PWMCON2 = 0x0000 ; // Configure as 0b0000000000000000

DTCON1 = 0x0101 ; // Configure as 0b0000001000000010 ;

FLTACON = 0x0000 ;

IPC9bits.PWMIP = 6 ;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Switching Frequency !!
// PWM resolution >= 10 bits ,
// PDCx[1:15] compare with PTMR [0:14]
// PDCx(0) compare with MSB of prescaler counter
// So, PTPER is 9 bit if resolution of PDCx is 10 bit
// Setting PWM Frequency = 20K
// PTPER = ( (7372800*2)/ 20000 ) -1 = 736.28 = 736
// PWM Frequency will be Fcy/736 = 20.0K
// Formular !! PTPER = (Fcy/(FPWM*PTMR Prescaler)) - 1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PTPER = 736 ; // PWM Time Base Period Register
ValuePDC = 0x00 ;

PDC1 = ValuePDC ;
PDC2 = ValuePDC ;
//PDC3 = ValuePDC ;


發表於: 2007/6/11 9:09
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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)

跟你建的sin table有關, 如果你的中斷是20kHz, 建的點數就要有20kHz/60Hz的點, 如此一點一點丟給duty, 還有就是你sin table的振幅(與counter的值比較)也要大一點, 90%~100%左右, 再加上dead time效應, 用示波器就可以看出明顯的60Hz了!

發表於: 2007/6/9 11:39
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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)


發表於: 2007/6/7 14:50
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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)

既然會跟著改變, 那接著就建sin table 一點一點抓 不就okㄌ?

發表於: 2007/6/7 11:13
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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)


發表於: 2007/6/6 13:33
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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)

建議你先從簡單的試試, 先給常數變化看duty是否跟著變, 範例程式只是參考, 因為每個condition都不一樣, 由小到大是比較好處理的!

發表於: 2007/6/6 11:14
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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)

建議你先從簡單的試試, 先給常數變化看duty是否跟著變, 範例程式只是參考, 因為每個condition都不一樣, 由小到大是比較好處理的!

發表於: 2007/6/6 11:14
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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)

程式裡有讀取 Sine table的值....
而非整個 Sine table之值....


; *
; Filename : acim_vhz.s *
; *
; Notes: *
; ====== *
; The A/D is enabled to sample two pots on the dsPICDEM-MC1 demo board *
; connected to AN7 and AN12. VR1 is used to vary the V/Hz ratio of the *
; modulation. VR2 is used to vary the modulation frequency. By *
; experimenting with the two pot settings, you can find an optimal V/Hz *
; ratio to drive the motor. *

;*** This code has been modified to drive a split phase motor with a
;*** H bridge, OR with a single complementary output pair.

.equ __30F2010, 1
.include "C:\pic30_tools\support\inc\p30f2010.inc"

.global __reset

;Configuration bits:

config __FOSC, CSW_FSCM_OFF & XT_PLL4 ;Turn off clock switching and
;fail-safe clock monitoring and
;use the XT osc and 4x PLL as
;system clock

config __FWDT, WDT_OFF ;Turn off Watchdog Timer

config __FBORPOR, PBOR_ON & BORV_27 & PWRT_16 & MCLR_EN
;Set Brown-out Reset voltage and
;and set Power-up Timer to 16msecs

config __FGS, CODE_PROT_OFF ;Set Code Protection Off for the
;General Segment

;Uninitialized variables in Near data memory (Lower 8Kb of RAM)

.section .nbss, "b"

; This variable is added to the 16-bit sine wave table pointer at each
; PWM period. A value of 246 will provide 60 Hz modulation frequency
; with 16 KHz PWM
Frequency: .space 2

; This variable is used to set the modulation amplitude and scales the
; value retrieved from the sine wave table. Valid values range from 0
; to 32767
Amplitude: .space 2

; This variable is the pointer to the sinewave table. It is incremented
; by the value of the Frequency variable at each PWM interrupt.
Phase: .space 2

;Constants stored in Program space

.section .sine_table, "x"
.align 256
; This is a 64 entry sinewave table covering 360 degrees of the
; sine function. These values were calculated using Microsoft
; Excel and pasted into this program.

.hword 0,3212,6393,9512,12539,15446,18204,20787,23170,25329
.hword 27245,28898,30273,31356,32137,32609,32767,32609,32137,31356,30273,28898
.hword 27245,25329,23170,20787,18204,15446,12539,9512,6393,3212,0,-3212,-6393
.hword -9512,-12539,-15446,-18204,-20787,-23170,-25329,-27245,-28898,-30273
.hword -31356,-32137,-32609,-32767,-32609,-32137,-31356,-30273,-28898,-27245
.hword -25329,-23170,-20787,-18204,-15446,-12539,-9512,-6393,-3212

; Constants for this application

; This constant is used to scale the sine lookup value to the valid range
; of PWM duty cycles. This is based on the value written to PTPER. We will
; PTPER = 230 for this application, which allows duty cycles between 0 and
; 460. The sine table data is signed, so we will multiply the table data
; by 230, then add a constant offset to scale the lookup data to positive
; values
.equ PWM_Scaling, 230
;.equ xd, 100
; The pointer to the sign wave table is 16 bits. Adding 0x5555 to the
; pointer will provide a 120 degree offset and 0xAAAA will give a 240
; degree offset. These offsets are used to get the lookup values for
; phase 2 and phase 3 of the PWM outputs.
;.equ Offset_120, 0x5555

;*** Added this offset to drive the split phase motor. We need an output
;*** that is shifted by 180 degrees.
.equ Offset_180,0x8000
;Code Section in Program Memory

.text ;Start of Code section
MOV #__SP_init, W15 ;Initalize the Stack Pointer
MOV #__SPLIM_init, W0 ;Initialize the Stack Pointer Limit Register
NOP ;Add NOP to follow SPLIM initialization

CALL _wreg_init ;Call _wreg_init subroutine
;Optionally use RCALL instead of CALL

call Setup ; Call the routine to setup I/O and PWM
; Variable initialization

clr Frequency
clr Amplitude

; Main loop code
; The PWM interrupt flag is polled in the main loop

Loop: btss IFS2,#PWMIF ; poll the PWM interrupt flag
bra CheckADC ; if it is set, continue

call Modulation ; call the sinewave modulation routine
bclr IFS2, #PWMIF ; Clear the PWM interrupt flag
;call Loop
btss IFS0,#ADIF
bra Loop

call ReadADC

bra Loop
;call Loop
; ADC processing subroutine

push.d W0
push.d W4

mov ADCBUF0,W0 ; Read the ADC results into W0
mov ADCBUF1,W1 ; and W1.

asr W0,#2,W4 ; Right shift by 2 bits to get the
mov W4,Frequency ; modulation frequency.

sl W1,#5,W4 ; Left shift AN7 and AN12 values to get
sl W0,#5,W5 ; 1.15 fractional data.
mpy W4*W5,A ; multiply frequency by V/Hz gain to get
sac A,W0 ; mod. amplitude. Store result in W0
mov #28000,W1 ; Limit modulation amplitude to avoid
cp W1,W0 ; dead-time induced distortion in PWM
bra GE,NoLimit ; modulation.
mov W1,W0
mov W0,Amplitude

pop.d W4
pop.d W0


; PWM sine wave modulation subroutine
push.d W0 ; Save off working registers
push.d W2
push.d W4
push.d W6
push.d W8
push.d W10

; The next three instructions initialize the TBLPAG and pointer register
; for access to the sinewave data in program memory using table reads.

mov #tblpage(SineTable),W0
mov #tbloffset(SineTable),W0

; The next block of instructions loads various constants and variables
; used in the sinewave modulation routine.

mov Phase,W1 ; Load the sinewave table pointer
;*** Modified the offset to 180 degrees for split phase motor.
mov #Offset_180,W4 ; This is the value for a 180 degree offset
mov Amplitude,W6 ; Load the Amplitude scaling factor
;mov #1,W6
mov #PWM_Scaling,W7 ; Load the PWM scaling value
mov Frequency,W8 ; Load the Frequency constant that will
; be added to the table pointer at each
; interrupt.

; This is the pointer adjustment code. The Frequency value is added
; to the sine pointer to move through the sine table. Then, offsets
; are added to this pointer to get the phase 2 and phase 2 pointers.
; Note: If different phase offsets are desired, other constant values
; can be used here. Add 0x4000 to get a 90 degree offset, 0x8000 will
; provide a 180 degree offset. Here, 0x5555 has been loaded to W4
; to provide 120 degrees.

add W8,W1,W1 ; Add the Frequency value to the sine pointer
add W1,W4,W2 ; Add 180 degree offset value for phase 2
;*** Don't need the following line for split phase motor
;add W2,W4,W3 ; Add another 120 degree offset for phase 3

; The sine table has 64 entries, so the pointers are right shifted
; to get a 6-bit pointer value.

lsr W1,#10,W9 ; Shift the phase 1 pointer right to get the upper 6 bits
sl W9,#1,W9 ; Left shift by one to convert to byte address
lsr W2,#10,W10 ; Shift the phase 2 pointer right to get the upper 6 bits
sl W10,#1,W10 ; Left shift by one to convert to byte address
;*** Removed for split phase motor
;lsr W3,#10,W11 ; Shift the phase 3 pointer right to get the upper 6 bits
;sl W11,#1,W11 ; Left shift by one to convert to byte address

; Now, the pointer for each phase is added to the base table pointer
; to get the absolute table address for the lookup value. The lookup
; value is then scaled for the correct amplitude and for the range
; of valid duty cycles. The next block of instructions calculates
; the duty cycle for phase 1. The phase 2 and phase 3 code is the same.

add W0,W9,W9 ; Form the table address for phase 1
tblrdl [W9],W5 ; Read the lookup value for phase 1
mpy W5*W6,A ; Multiply by the amplitude scaling
sac A,W5 ; Store the scaled result
mpy W5*W7,A ; Multiply by the PWM scaling factor
sac A,W8 ; Store the scaled result
add W7,W8,W8 ; Add the PWM scaling factor to produce 50% offset
;mov #xd,W8
mov W8,PDC1 ; Write the PWM duty cycle

; The next block of code calculates the duty cycle for phase 2.

add W0,W10,W10 ; Form the table address for phase 2
tblrdl [W10],W5 ; Read the lookup value for phase 2
mpy W5*W6,A ; Multiply by the amplitude scaling
sac A,W5 ; Store the scaled result
mpy W5*W7,A ; Multiply by the PWM scaling factor
sac A,W8 ; Store the scaled result
add W7,W8,W8 ; Add the PWM scaling factor to produce 50% offset
;mov #xd,W8
mov W8,PDC2 ; Write the PWM duty cycle

; The next block of code calculates the duty cycle for phase 3.

;*** Don't need the following block of code for split phase motor.
;add W0,W11,W11 ; Form the table address for phase 3
;tblrdl [W11],W5 ; Read the lookup value for phase 3
;mpy W5*W6,A ; Multiply by the amplitude scaling
;sac A,W5 ; Store the scaled result
;mpy W5*W7,A ; Multiply by the PWM scaling factor
;sac A,W8 ; Store the scaled result
;add W7,W8,W8 ; Add the PWM scaling factor to produce 50% offset
;mov W8,PDC3 ; Write the PWM duty cycle

; Now, save off the adjusted sinewave table pointer so it can be
; used during the next iteration of this code.

mov W1,Phase
;inc xd

pop.d W10 ; restore working registers
pop.d W8
pop.d W6
pop.d W4
pop.d W2
pop.d W0

return ; return from the subroutine

; PWM and ADC setup code


; The first thing we need to do before enabling the PWM is to
; configure the I/O and reset the power module. The control board
; has a driver IC that buffers the PWM control lines. The active
; low output enable for this buffer is on port RD11.
; The power module has an active high reset line which is connected
; to port RE9.

mov #0xF7FF,W0 ; Make RD11 an output to drive PWM buffer
mov W0,TRISD ; output enable.
mov #0xFDFF,W0 ;
mov W0,TRISE ; Make RE9 an output for power module reset

; Now, ensure the power module is reset by driving the reset line for
; a few usec.

bset PORTE,#9
repeat #39
bclr PORTE,#9

; Setup the ADC

mov #0x0404,W0 ; scan inputs
mov W0,ADCON2 ; 2 sample/converts per interrupt
mov #0x0003,W0 ;
mov W0,ADCON3 ; Tad is 2*Tcy
clr ADCHS ;
clr ADPCFG ; all A/D pins Analog mode
clr ADCSSL ;
bset ADCSSL,#7 ; enable scan of AN7
bset ADCSSL,#12 ; enable scan of AN12
mov #0x8066,W0 ; enable A/D, PWM trigger, auto sample
mov W0,ADCON1 ;
bclr IFS0,#ADIF ; clear A/D interrupt flag

; Now, setup the PWM registers

;*** Modified next line of code for split phase motor.
mov #0x0033,W0 ; complementary mode, #1, #2
mov W0,PWMCON1 ; pairs are enabled
mov #0x000F,W0 ; 2usec deadtime at 7.38 MIPS
mov W0,DTCON1
mov #PWM_Scaling, W0 ; set period for 16KHz PWM at 7.38 MIPS
mov W0,PTPER
mov #0x0001,W0 ;
mov W0,SEVTCMP ; setup the special event trigger for the ADC
mov #0x0F00,W0 ; set the special event postscaler to 1:16
mov W0,PWMCON2 ;
mov #0x8002,W0 ; PWM timebase enabled, center aligned mode
mov W0,PTCON

return ; return from the Setup routine

;Subroutine: Initialization of W registers to 0x0000

MOV W0, W14
MOV W0, [++W14]

;--------End of All Code Sections ---------------------------------------------

.end ;End of program code in this file

發表於: 2007/6/5 15:37
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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)

我有試過裡面的Soure Core....


// ***********************************************************************
// File : EX15_3_MCPWM.C
// Purpose : 練習如何使用 Microchip C30 提供的 PWM 函式庫
// 使用的函式庫:
// pwm
// adc10
// ***********************************************************************

#define __dsPIC30F2010__

#include <p30F2010.h>
#include <pwm.h> // 將pwm函式的原型宣告檔案含入

#define FCY 7372800 * 2 // 因為使用頻率為將外部 7.3728 MHz * 8 的模式 , 每一指令週期需 4 個 clock
// 所以 FCY = (7.3728 * 8 / 4 ) MHz = 7372800* 2

_FOSC(CSW_FSCM_OFF & XT_PLL8); //XT with 8xPLL oscillator, Failsafe clock off
_FWDT(WDT_OFF); //Watchdog timer disabled
_FBORPOR(PBOR_OFF & MCLR_EN); //Brown-out reset disabled, MCLR reset enabled
_FGS(CODE_PROT_OFF); //Code protect disabled

void Init_MCPWM(void);

const char My_String1[]="Ex 15 - MCPWM" ; // 宣告字串於 Program Memory (因為 const 宣告)
char My_String2[]="VR1: VR2: " ; // 宣告字串於 Data Memory

int main(void)
Init_MCPWM( );
while (1);

// Subroutine to configure the Motor Control PWM module

void Init_MCPWM(void)
/* Holds the PWM interrupt configuration value*/
unsigned int config;
/* Holds the value to be loaded into dutycycle register */
unsigned int period;
/* Holds the value to be loaded into special event compare register */
unsigned int sptime;
/* Holds PWM configuration value */
unsigned int config1;
/* Holds the value be loaded into PWMCON1 register */
unsigned int config2;
/* Holds the value to configure the special event trigger postscale and dutycycle */
unsigned int config3;
/* The value of ‘dutycyclereg’ determines the duty cycle register(PDCx) to be written */
unsigned int dutycyclereg;
unsigned int dutycycle;
unsigned char updatedisable;
/* Configure pwm interrupt enable/disable and set interrupt priorties */
ConfigIntMCPWM( config );
/* Configure PWM to generate square wave of 50% duty cycle */
SetMCPWMDeadTimeGeneration(PWM_DTA20 & PWM_DTAPS4 & PWM_DTB40 & PWM_DTBPS4);
dutycyclereg = 1;
dutycycle = 0x1FF;
updatedisable = 0;
// SetDCMCPWM(dutycyclereg,dutycycle,updatedisable);
period = 0x2ff;
sptime = 0x0;
config2 = (PWM_MOD1_COMP & PWM_MOD2_COMP &


發表於: 2007/6/5 15:33
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Re: 請教.....關於脈寬調變(PWM)

pic 要自己建sin table, dspic如果速度夠快可用內建的sin function, 如果未來要做到閉迴路控制, 建sin table是比較好的

發表於: 2007/6/4 18:53
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